Friday, April 03, 2009

Putting the past behind

11:16 PM

basti: you also probably need to free yourself from your own history. Like that quote from the “18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.”

me: which says what?

basti: Die Tradition aller toten Geschlechter lastet wie ein Alb auf dem Gehirne der Lebenden. History of past generations weighs like a nightmare on the minds of the living.

basti: I think your sense of history tortures you unnecessarily... I don't know why you let it, and I suspect much of this is a result of a poorer interpretation of history. But a constant retardant is this recognition of your past enthusiasm and ambition. When you were, like, five. And there are also probably many issues stemming from this idealisation of this time period.

basti: I barely remember anything of myself at that age. I do recall myself at older ages, and I think it's been mostly a progress of growth since then.

me: our experiences shape our character

basti: There are also biological differences. But, yes, of course. But I think modern culture is very optimistic. We hope that our experiences should not inhibit us from leading the fullest of lives. The individual has so much value.
We don't tend to repeat these old stories of the damaged and disposable victim.
(Except maybe, like, “Dexter.”) Certainly not the, ‘Oops! Five years old, and I just lost my ambition. Well, that's it for my life!’

basti: Maybe you're just spoilt.

me: possibly. what is the cure for that? aside from backbreaking manual labor

basti: I don't know what the cure for being spoilt is.