Sunday, February 15, 2009

The guilt of being fantastic

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3:38 AM basti:
I just woke up with this story idea: the guilt of being fantastic..

I was thinking about political frustration on the part of the liberal mass in this country and how their attempts at political expression are subordinate to their party's tendency to political expedience. For example, opposition to the Middle East conflict. A very large number of voters oppose it on moral, ideological grounds, and they see that they have only a single political choice in the system, no other. But the political situation limits the ability of this party to provide substantive objections. The best the party can do is object on empirical rather than theoretical grounds that mismanagement and inefficiency are the problem; nothing about moral violations.

Well the story idea is something about the guilt of someone who is fantastic. What if the conflict had been executed fantastically but with great tragedy morally? A cynical observer of American politics would suggest that opposition to the conflict would then be marginalized. What if this person in the story is a personification of this… someone who is so fantastic at everything he does that he begins to lose track of substantive ideological objection, because it stops having practical meaning to him.

And maybe the guilt from this…